Re: SEX (fwd)

Karl Strickland (
Sat, 4 Feb 1995 04:25:24 +0000 (GMT)

> Karl Strickland wrote:
> >For good luck.  Hope this isnt too explicit for this full-disclosure list.
> Thou art a paunchy earth-vexing strumpet whose weedy base-court namby-
> pamby simpleton of a brain should be crushed by the excrement of an
> unladen swallow returning from Spain, rather than be let back onto
> the 'net. May your fingernails grow rotten and fester, may your 
> eyebrows turn into caterpillars and eat your eyes out; may your ugly,
> wrinkled ears turn into bats, fly away, and drop the remains of your head
> into a pit of everlasting burning sulfur. 
> Please die. 

A little extreme, dont you think?

Mailed using ELM on FreeBSD               |                    Karl Strickland
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